Hello there!

I'm William Chen, also known as Exanite. I'm a website, software, and game developer that is studying computer science at the University of Florida.

Check out my work below!



Endless Hunt

Endless Hunt

Explore a mysterious floating island in this rogue-like/bullet hell-esque game by Team Nomad.
Gravitational Tetris

Gravitational Tetris

A weird mix of Tetris and the gravitation potion from Terraria. Originally made in FNA, now made using my custom game engine.
CODENAME: Prototype

CODENAME: Prototype

Online two-player, turn-based dueling game with a predictive edge.
Cheesewheel Collab

Cheesewheel Collab

Voice call application allowing for multiple conversations within the same call. Implemented using 3D HRTF audio.
Candle Combat

Candle Combat

Play as John Wick's soul in a fight against an endless onslaught of candles desperately trying to extinguish your flame.
Pirate Pyro Panic

Pirate Pyro Panic

Ahoy! You ever' wanted to be a pirate? No? Well tough luck salty dog, here we are sinking in the middle of the Atlantic!
The Mouth of Madness

The Mouth of Madness

Explore a mysterious cave. Atmospheric game jam project focusing on 3D HRTF audio and turn-based style movement.
DevLUp Website

DevLUp Website

Website built for DevLUp, a non-profit student organization focusing on gamedev and STEM education.
DevLUp Discord Bot

DevLUp Discord Bot

Used by all of DevLUp's branches, the DevLUp Discord Bot allows members to show off their work and earn points every day.


The Typescript monorepo behind the DevLUp Website, Discord Bot, and internal infrastructure.


This website! Built using a variety of technology and my previous experience with web development.


Designed for turn-based games where effects can trigger other complex effects. Event logs allow for easy implementation of replays and multiplayer games.


Finite state machines, but each state can enable a set of "capabilities", allowing for complex behavior to be shared between states.


CSS-like styling solution for Unity. Style rules are edited directly in the Unity Editor and allow for restyling UI without recompiling the project.


Custom game engine made in C# with a code-first development workflow and emphasis on modding support.


Faster and more flexible replacement for Unity's Gizmos. Built on Unity's Universal Rendering Pipeline.


Allows for Unity scene parenting using the UniDi (Zenject/Extenject fork) dependency injection framework.


Utilities for automatically versioning and building Unity projects.


Transport agnostic networking framework allowing type-safe messages to be sent through different channels.


Collection of miscellaneous code I use for my C# and Unity projects.


Unfinished ARPG game built in Unity. My first long term game project.
Super Florida Man

Super Florida Man

Unfinished collect-a-thon created in Unreal. Created as an educational project for the UF Game Dev Association (now known as DevLUp UF).
Project Verdun

Project Verdun

Explore a museum focusing on the Battle of Verdun in World War I. Created in Unity for a class history project.
One Button Rogue

One Button Rogue

Roguelike game featuring a procedurally generated dungeon. Game jam theme was "One Button Only".
Scorched Polys

Scorched Polys

Wave-based shoot-em-up with a focus on smooth gameplay and polish. My first game in Unity.